Monday, October 21, 2024

Halloween Night Market 2.0

Riam Halloween Night Market 2.0 

Halloween is a celebration observed in many countries, especially countries in the western region. halloween is always celebrated on the 31st october annually, the eve of the western christian feast of all saints' day.

drawing back on halloween's history, halloween is said to have evolved from the ancient celtic holiday of samhain. over thr centuries, we can see the transition of halloween from a pagan ritual to a day of parties, costumes and especially trick-or-treating for kids as well as adults. 

Our institution decided to have another halloween night market namely as halloween night market 2.0 to celebrate its festivity and to get in the mood for spooky season and...
...embrace the darkness...

come and celebrate with us and get spooked and make sure to come dressed up and wallet loaded because you wont regret it! ;)'d be best to not bring a friend...
...come alone.... yourself...
....'cause in the dark & alone....
. . .they. , .
. . .Speak. . .
date: 2nd & 3rd November 2024
venue: dato' lee teck fook stadium
time: 5pm - 10pm

see you there... or she will...

Taste of Borneo Carnival

 Taste of Borneo Carnival

Taste of Borneo Carnival is here and it is here to serve flavors and sights to the public. It is announced that the Taste of Borneo Carnival 3.0 2024 is to be held in Miri City at Boulevard open carpark from 30th Oct - 10th Nov, 2024.

Taste of Borneo Carnival 3.0 promises an entertaining cultural performances and entertainment, showcases of multicultural foods from plentiful of ethnics, and the unity of Sarawak's heritage. Taste of Borneo will have a unity of 19 ethnics invited such as the Ibans, the Chinese, the Malays, the Bidayohs, the Kelabits and many more to join in this festive carnival. It was expected that the visitors would want to have a taste of food from Brunei, Sabah and Indonesia, therefore, through this opportunity, it is possible.
Taste of Borneo Carnival 3.0 has a line-up of top influencers of Sarawak and Singapore during those days so that the public can have a brief meet & greet with the invited influencers. So, please come by Miri to Boulevard and have a look and purchase delicious delicacies to satisfy your taste buds and fill up your tummies. Make sure to come empty stomach and wallet loaded.

Halloween Night Market 2.0

Riam Halloween Night Market 2.0  Halloween is a celebration observed in many countries, especially countries in the western region. hallowee...