
 My Hobbies


Singing is known to be very operative in knowing how to reach certain voice modulation and timbre, apply certain techniques that are vocally impressive, powerful, strong, full of resonance, good to hear and safe,  and to be completely immersed in the art of singing. Singing is also a form of communication, after all it is an art that reaches to all the listeners emotionally and maybe a little physical.


Crochet is another one of my most favorite thing to do without getting bored. It's the joy of seeing an actual hard work or physical work that remains and not only satisfaction of finishing a design but also seeing that the output is full of purposes of course with the intended objective of the output. 


Crocheting a bag was my first and foremost design that I have made, so it was special to me.


Crocheting a simple elongated piece of design is simple but AGAIN, they are multi-purpose.


Crocheting a simple flower shape but it is very beautiful and just elevates any emotions seeing the shape and colors of it.


Cooking makes me feel immersed in preparing. In what ways? Well, if I cook for my family or a person, I would think about serving real good quality food, that is delicious and fancy but simple. But when I cook for myself, the only sole purpose that is there for me when cooking is “Will it make me happy AND full?" Among all the varieties of cuisines I have made, personally, The Ibans food is what truly sticks to me, people call this type of food as the 'Soul Food'.


One of the all time's favorite Iban's dish is definitely the namely, Pansuh Babi. It is a dish where pork cuts are inserted into a bamboo and filled up with herbs, ginger, garlic and shallots, and filled up with water with seasonings and cover the top of the bamboo with tapioca leaves and leave to smoke with wooden fire.


Favorite food from Chinese cuisine is definitely the Char Siu Pork. Simple, tasty, sweet, savory and tender meat. Tanginess of the pickled pepper sauce that usually comes together with it, makes the dish as a whole meal together with hot rice- or if you wanna cheat, make a chicken stock rice together with it, that is when the magic explodes.


My other favourite to make is a simple white pasta sauce seafood linguine from the western cuisine and usually I make mine with extra chilly on top and extra cream with cheesy strings. Seafood I love to add in my pasta is definitely shrimp and scallops.

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